Liposuction is a popular technique used to remove unwanted fat deposits. It is efficient for the removal of localised deposits of fat from the hips, tummy, thighs or waist. It can be a good treatment option when fat proves difficult to remove with dieting and exercise.
The latest development in liposuction, liposculpture, had improved our ability to reshape and contour the body. However, it is better suited for patients who are not naturally overweight. Liposuction is a highly effective technique for improving body contour with minimal scarring. The results are permanent, providing that you maintain your weight.
Depending on the type of liposuction surgery that you may be undergoing, the procedure can be performed as an outpatient procedure which requires no hospital stay, or it can be performed in hospital and may require and overnight stay – this is usually when large amounts of fat are being removed.
Before the procedure begins, you will be given anaesthesia. The liposuction procedure will then be performed using a suction device attached to a small, stainless steel instrument. Through tiny incisions made in the body, the stainless steel instrument – known as a cannula – is inserted into fatty areas between the skin and muscle, where it removes the excess fat using a suction pump. This results in a smoother body contour. The duration of the procedure will vary with the amount of fat needing removed.
Though the basics of liposuction remain the same, there are different techniques that can be used to achieve results based on the patient’s individual needs. These techniques include:
Tumescent liposuction.
During this technique, a solution is injected into your fatty areas before the fat is removed. The solution is made up of saline, a mild painkiller and adrenalin - a drug that contracts your blood vessels. The solution not only helps to remove the fat easier, but it also helps reduce blood loss and provide pain relief during and after surgery. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. During ultrasound-assisted liposuction, ultrasonic energy is used to liquefy the fat, after which it is removed from the body.